Feminism? I think not.

I have been listening to a lot of women lately spew their idiology on how the should be equal to men. The point is that, technically, they CAN be equal. The problem I have is, WHY would you want to be equal?

Would you really rather trade your job of making me a fucking sandwhich and cleaning dishes to go outside, shovel 30 inches of snow from the driveway, chip the ice buildup on the roof, salt the sidewalks and change the oil in the cars?

I didn’t think so. Similarly, I constantly hear the argument, well women get to have to be skinny and perfect while men get to be fat slobs. I can’t tell you how irrational that statement is. OF COUSE women have to be sexually desirable. Here is why:

What people instinctively like is good, so if people like beauty, beauty would be a sign of worth. Feminist argue that beauty is not a sign of worth. This makes no sense because if that were true than beauty would have no worth and people would be attracted to other people for everything BUT the way they look. Which, is impossible.

Feminism = Irrational thoughts and behaviors.


tell you the same thing i tell every woman that pisses me off. let me know the day you really want equal treatment cuz if you were a guy i’d fuckin punch ya in the face…

on a side not there’s two things woman can do better than men. 1. bleed from their crotch once a month 2 have babies… and i dont want those anyway…

Women are stupid and don’t know what the fuck they want. /thread

Exactly. They push and argue they are equal to men and want to be treated as such, yet they get mad at you if you don’t open the car door, hold the door open to house, or carry the heavy ass groceries for them. They get mad if you are out and don’t buy them a drink.

You know what? I would gladly do all that except since you want to be treated the same as a man, that is how you will be treated. You planted the seed, now you have to deal with it.


They want fairness and equality, but when they are treated remotely close to how a guy would be treated, they call foul.

they just want what they can’t have.

CUNT= Can’t Understand Normal Thinking.

You’re rolling with the wrong wimminz.

But yes, I do agree with you on some of those fronts.

This is an age long battle that will never end.

Also, the difference is men predominately are LOGICAL thinkers, while women are EMOTIONAL thinkers.

Did you hear about the colleges with all the women teams asking for the same grant money as the mens teams? Look at it from a bussiness standpoint biches. The men games have thousands of attendants coming to watch and pay $$, where as your WNBA (does that even exist?) only have hundreds of attendants. If you dont like it get better marketing skills and try again.

I will tell you this in the office the main reason the different groups here dont work together are becasue they are managed by WOMEN. All the mgrs bitch at eachother, dont help eachother, cry about shit and it trickels down to us MEN doing the work. All the guys in the offices dont talk shit behind their backs, pussy foot around and piss and moan about stuff that doesnt go their way… they fucking get shit done and it never has to come to that crap the women “deal with”.

i cant stand getting yelled at for not doing laundry. I would much rather do 5 loads of that shit for a total work time of 1.5hrs a week, instead of roll around on a loud bumpy tractor mowing the lawn for 3.5 hrs straight. Or how many times did the ladys grab the 100LB+ extension ladder and get up on the roof and pull hand fulls of nasty, decomposing ass smelling leaves and shit from the over flowing gutters?

The only women that can and should be treated equally to men are the beasts that out drink, weigh, bench, drive, pass a foot ball… etc. And I bet the rest of the women crowd look at these “ladys” and sure as shit dont want to be like them! lol

Not to mention, when was the last time a MAN said, fuck I want the be treated the same a the women. They dont, becasue they get shit done and stop complaining about it.

Well I do not associate with wimminz who have this train of thought. Even my g/f agrees with me.

And to be honest, I find as your overall intelligence increases your ability to think logically follows suit. I find myself in the minority of people who I believe think without much emotion at all, and mostly using logic based on what I already know.

It is a much less fun world, and at times I find myself being what many would think of as an asshole. Emotions have their place in life, just not when it comes to decision making.

You said it. :bowdown

If more people made major life decission based on logic & common sense as opposed to how will I look, what will so and so think… NYS wouldnt be broke, USA wouldnt be falling apart and sticking their dick in problems they cant fix, lots of poor outcomes would then be flipped 180 degrees.

Thank you. Proven science.

Hit the nail on the head

I have no idea what women you all have been hanging around but most do not think this way. Also, I don’t think you are truly getting the point of feminism, or what the beliefs of feminisms are.

So me believing that women should be paid the same as a male co-worker in the same position, or that I should be able to vote and be able to make choices regarding my own body is irrational?

Women tend to plan for the long haul (marriage and relationships), while men plan things 1 step at a time (one night stands and hookups).

Insecure men plan and act like the women :wink:

There’s my college-student-biased opinion.

Wait. You’re a female?


I see that now…but for some reason I got the impression that user was a male. :rofl

SN’s can be deceiving. Unless you know who Ilya Kovalchuk is (hockey player), many people aren’t sure if my name is male or female until they see me or hear me. Especially since it sounds a lot like Liliya.
