Fender rolling/wrenching/bbq !

On saturday a couple of my friends and I are splitting the cost of renting a fender roller… because quite a few of us are in need. SO, if anyone else wants to come out, toss in a couple bucks for burgers… we’ll make some burgers, roll some fenders, kick some tires… typical 240 owner shit.

I’m located halfway inbetween burlington and guelph, and halfway between milton and kitchener… dead center of most things.

So…if you feel like coming out and drinking some beers, eating some burgs… pm me!

I might swing by if I’m in the area mark :stuck_out_tongue:

Careful… I heard the traffic is bad coming out of campbellville.

All 42 people in the village are out driving!

LOL! campbellville. is that where you live?

i might be down, my front fenders could use a rolling and my rears could use a touch up (did it work a wood pole before)… and my stomach can always use some beer and burgers.

what time is this going to be happening?

I’m going to get the fender roller around 10… so like 11?

Should be pretty good. Brenden, you’ve got textmessages!

Seriously, if anyone else enjoy’s meat, beer, and wrenching… come out! pm me your name, and I’ll hooks directions!

id be down

pm me info

DAMN, I can’t believe I missed out on this. I have needed to get mine done for way to long.


fuck, i can’t beleive i didn’t see this. of course the day after it goes down i decide to roll my fenders.