Few shots of the Lotus...

Finally had a chance to shoot a few decent ones. Nothing special. I threw in a couple of the MR2 as well, just to keep it real, haha.







looks cool, except for the tan interior. good pick up :tup:


Both cars look real good…I bet that Lotus handles like it’s on rails!



What?? I love that interior.

r yu kidding me…that interior is friggen awesome! id just live in the lotus and not even own a house…i bet its really comfy…and ive always been a fan for the mr2’s…dayummmm deff two very nice cars! what year and model and stuff is the lotus…is it the espirit v8 or what? idk much bout them…good job and keep em runnin strong!

I hate you, my keyboard is all sticky now. :tdown:

Hottest car in the area. Period. :slight_smile:

wow that car looks incredible

its even better lookin in person

sack riding galore.

the interior is hideous, and I would be the vast majority of modern (sporty) cars handle better from the factory these days. I’m sorry, I just don’t understand when people sack ride on the internet. Just like any girl on the internet will be followed by packs of leg humpers, regardless of her actual level of attractivness.

all that said… sure is clean, take it out and take some nice pics (preferably with the lights down) I’ve always liked the look of the loti(?). Very exotic, regardless of age. Brings me back to my earlier point, it’s amazing how so many cars can have timeless exteriors, but those 80s interiors just kill them. I spend most of my time inside the car, so I do care…


thats the pointiest dash board ive ever seen!

I spend most of my time looking out the windshield (and occasionally the side windows), not admiring how good everything looks inside. What matters is comfort and that controls are located and operate as they should. And that the windows are clean. :wink:

The car is a 1995, 4 cylinder Turbo (single). About 300 hp.

Walter, I didn’t buy this car for other people to like/dislike. You can say what you want about it, or degrade it until you see fit, it means nothing to me, I don’t even know you. I bought this car bec. I’ve wanted one since I was 4. I personally love the interior, it’s possibly my favorite part of the car, and if you sat in one, you may very well change your outlook too. Maybe not. However, it makes no mind to me. I’m happy with the car, as happy as can be, and really, that’s all that matters. I didn’t buy it for you or anyone else.

Anyways, for the folks that like the car, good. I’m happy to share car enthusiasm, give rides, talk tech, and love when others can appreciate something rare and unique. There are too many people that have exotics that DON’T share their enthusiasm, but rather, hold their heads higher than everyone else, and snub others with supposed “lesser” cars. I’m not into that. I have my little jap box MR2, and love it as much as my Lotus.

WTF are you talking about??? tan interior for the motherfucking win!!!

Looks clean…

I never liked the rear wing on them though

Walter, do you wake up every morning and punch babies for fun?? Man…

:tup: looks good man

i’ve loved lotus ever since i saw the movie “If look could kill”.