FF 2.0 beta 2


worth an upgrade most extensions work too!



firefox bitches!! w000t

just uninstall firefox 1.5 and reinstall 2.0 beta 2… i’ve been following the bon echo project (and FF2.0 is the SHIT!)

oh and if you are using IE SHAME ON YOU!!

oh BTW the gripes of firefox taking long to load… its instant now… :slight_smile: realtime spell checking… and a google search bar improve that will make you nut yourself

i LOVE firefox 2.0

not only the index searching/realtime google toolbar, but posting on the forums with the spellchecker is pretty rad too :tup: I give it a 9/10

oh, I also liked the added security. I went to a page that was trying to phish me and FF warned my ass :smiley:

where can we dl y0?

I don’t know… doesnt look like its up on their site anymore. Maybe it’s supposed to be a limited beta? at any rate, I think I still have the installer file on my comp so if anyone wants it, pm me and I’ll email it to ya


best part- use the google search box in the upper right hand corner, it starts listing similar searches. fucking SWEET!

Been using the alphas and betas for a while, 2.0 is definitely sweet. I think us Mac guys are still on RC3 though. At least that’s what I’m running. I forget how much stuff has changed and gotten better, but it’s all I need in a browser, so I’m happy.


ugh bonerific doesn’t even sum it up! wow this is alot better and loads hella quick FireFox > *

unfortunately IE still has one advantage over FF…

resumable downloading which will be in FF 3.0 :slight_smile:

oh and i just upgraded to firefox 3.0 alpha 1 and i’m seeing some really cool things with it

also has a really cool code name “Minefield”