Firefox 3

Anyone else download it yet? Just got the email saying it was released. Installed it. everything seems ok so far, but i never had a problem with the previous version(s).

I downloaded it earlier today. Seems good.

yah I got it today. slightly different toolbar, YES!

I like it so far, hasn’t crashed yet like FF2 used to do

Is this one slow like the beta was?

Ive had the beta on my linux box. I am not a fan of that address bar search thing. I dont need to start to type a web site and see in big letters a past video on youporn I watched…

it seems a lot quicker and more stable so far…

edit: can’t wait for themes to get ported over though… i hate all of the colors

i didnt like the beta, im still using 2. but i dl it last night, so i might try it again.

the grab text feature thing is sick.

it does not seem to crash as much as FF2 for me so that is a major plus

do most of the current addons work for it?

siqqq 3D surfing!

ok i might go back to 2 now because it is not saving my passwords or anything so i have to sign in to every website each time. i had the same problem when i had the beta version

I got it yesterday and love it!!! it’s much faster, less memory intensive and the new features all work great. I’m running it on both PC and MAC

no crashes and nothing broken so far.

my back and foward arrows are gay, they do not have teh circle around the back button, WTF?

same thing happened to me, i went back to 2

thanks for the thread, DLing now