FF: Firewood

Just got done cutting down some trees. If you want it come get it, its free! PM me for directions, I am in the southtowns

i have a ton of wood, come get this and have a party!! I cant burn where I live.:cjerk:

pm sent

i need some andy

how old is it?
or is it still green?

even if its still green

pm me. my landlord fiends for wood.

i could use some andy. is there alot?

My mom would prob. take this.

if theres any left im interested. let me know.

Interested, where in the southtowns?

What kind of wood?

I may take some…where in the southtowns??

I got a bunch of it, i just cut down 2 apple trees and 2 pear trees so the wood is still fresh pm me whoever wants it and I will give you the address.

god damn those are just branches where is the big stuff