fight of the night! razor vs. nickle which player would win

i know that this is kinda like the new rocky movie but, who would win?
im going with razor on this one because he whould just rip nickle a new asshole in this fight!

you’re a moron for even asking this question.

as a side note, ray was always a good fighter… but never a great one. i luv the guy, but he always had to win by losing his jersey/pads, giving an ENORMOUS advantage. hence why the NHL instituted a rule that you can’t undress during a fight. lol

that being said, the boost he gave the team when he would strip 1/2 naked and pummel someone was awesome.

lol. i came in here thinking this was about a fight between two inanimate objects…

up next: corn vs book deathmatch

The nickle is too thick for the razor to cut. The Razor will be dull before it can make it even part way through.

tie domi

exactly what i thought…

are we talking about the razor cell phone or a cutting razor though? maybe the cell phone could give the nickel a tumor? lol

a small razor couldnt take apart a nickle back defense, its just way too small

nickleback < *

worst band ever.

lol, i agree, they are along the same lines like HINDER and blue october, i hate them both as well

Syndrome of a down

southern cock rock FTL


i mean thats an easy one…of course the book would win. not only could u hit them with it u can rip the pages out and give them hundards of paper cuts. i mean cmon who here hates paper cuts. they are the worst

i mean rob ray for the people that don’t know sorry may be i should have said that before! sorry


lol no one gives a FUCK about tie domi

agreed! he’s a pussy anyway! (though he could kick the crap out me)

He could kick the crap out of most guys in the nhl. He was anything but a pussy.

ahhh but rob, ray made him look like one! if anything he is a big ass goon!