whats your opinion on fighting in the NHL?

just wondering? i got in a heated discussion on another forum.

i basically stated that fighting is ok if you a team that is winning games and it dont screw u into a loss. These people are very anti-fighting for some reason. I think a good fight can change a game a little bit like tonight with philly. after those three fights it seemed to get there crowd fired up and changed the team to play harder too.

whats everyone else think?`

my argument starts here if anyone is bored…i dunno i think its good and ok to have a fight/enforcer once in a while


Fighting is a part, and I believe should be a part of the game. However, the NHL is trying to weed it out to change the perception of hockey.

A good fight can change the whole momentum of a game, and is entertaining, IMO, for the fans.

this is how i feel. anyone care to jump in my argument and help me out?

i guess “Cancer” & “Drew” on there are the big shots in the bored that will tell you whats up:bloated:

If I was on myspace I would help you out, but don’t really feel like registering just to argue lol

gotcha…some guy from mexico just jumped into it…everyones going @ it now lol

it changes momentum,it been around for a long time and i like it

fights in hockey are definetley part of the game, like brian said change the momentum totally. thats why each team has a few scrappers just for heavy hits and fights. just part of the game boys

I miss fighting, and real checking in the game. Hockey used to be a slower paced game than it is now but to me its more exciting. Guess im just getting old but I used to love bench clearings against boston.

x11ty billion

let em wreck eachother if they want to, thats why we have penalty’s in place.

fighting in nhl is a-okay with me. i like to see the fights. it gets the crowd going. it’s entertaining. why not?

my opinion?

Yes. Fuck yes

Im glad they cleaned up the play of the game for more scoring and faster play, but it shouldnt interfere with the fights, they are still the best part of the game :tup:

I loved being an enforcer, even in nonchecking leagues (addicted2boost remembers the best brawl ever:eekdance:, he was in it right with me), and nothing beat dropping the gloves during the pickup games on my old street

Anyone who doesnt like fights in hockey should end up like that pansy Claude Lemieux getting his ass kicked:

i love fights…and cant believe people dont. whats more entertaining then watching 2 people beat the living hell out of each other.there should be more guys like barnaby, domi, ray etc in the league. i loved watching barnaby back in the day.

besides whens the last time you went to a game and people booed when 2 guys dropped the gloves?

omg those old mccarty vs lemieux avs vs red wings playoff series were some off the best hockey games ever played imo

To me, it depends on the fight…

If it’s a fight about something real that happened, and it’s just pure energy and adrenaline just wiring the players up, then it’s sweet to me.

But I am not personally a fan of those pussy ass fights that are staged between the 2 players and so premeditated. It interrupts the flow of the game and those ones piss me off.

But heat of the moment ones are good.

And Auttiquatro, the only checking they got rid of really is holding and hooking. Body checking is still on like crazy in the league.

I think I can offer a bit of a unique opinion because I’ve grown up with sports like everyone else but never played hockey, never watched hockey, and never really gave 2 shits about hockey until the Sabres’ last season. (Yes I’m that guy…)

In most sports fighting is taboo, and when does break out it’s personal, guys are trying to hurt each other, everyone else is jumping in, and it gets ugly. While I was watching the fights last night I thought to myself “wow, that really is just part of the game.” They drop their sticks, nobody jumps in, they throw their punches, and then it’s done. No real intent to harm, more just intent to dominate and swing the momentum of the game. It seems almost like trash talking in most sports, just a mind game.

But like I said, I’m a hockey n00b so I could be way off base. It just doesn’t seem like the same thing as fights in other sports.

So yeah, I’m cool with the occasional boxing match in the middle of a hockey game. :tup:

Fighting is necessary in hockey. Always has been and always will be.

As long as there are superstars and other guys just trying to make it in the league as third and fourth line players, there will be fights. Thats one reason why there are fights and why they are needed. I fully expect to see Peters out there knocking some heads if the other team starts taking shots at Briere, Afinogenov or one of our other scorers.

And I totally agree with momentum swings. Philly definitely did get a charge out of the fights. Although, Richards picking a fight with Paetsch was almost as bad as Tucker fighting with Eaves a few weeks back. :tdown: to those two pussies.

peters couldnt fight in the AHL…mcmorrow was 8x the fighter peters is…but im a better all around player than mcmorrow is haha.