figured out my problem, need advice on apexi safc junk

just picked up a 240 with a Rb25 …anyways, fuckin thing kept falling on its face in 1st and 2nd in boost, trace a problem with the wiring for the apexi safc unit, basically if i shake those wires the car stalls out, im thinkin that might be my problem, id rather get rid of the SAFC all together and have the engine run like OEM… whats the best way to put it back that way and is that a good idea. the engine is stock .

Are you using a schematic or just tracing wiring problems blindly, with no idea what each wire is really connected to in the harness? If you aren’t, get a guide/ schematic from Google and trace the wires checking for connections to make sure everything was tapped into properly, and that there are no loose connections at the SAFC harness. Find out what wires you are shaking loose and correct the issue. After that is taken care of you should get a guide and put it in settings mode to make sure it isn’t set up as a 4 cylinder or something really stupid, then test. If it doesn’t fall flat on it’s face, then it was an SAFC issue. If it still does, you have other issues.

I wouldn’t just rip it out because I am the type of person that wants to know exactly what is wrong, not just swap parts. If you don’t want to bother, you can just trac the wires to the harness and disconnect them and cap off fittings/remove them appropriately. The SAFC is just a piggyback that lies to the ECU so the ECU can use different lookup tables based on what the SAFC is saying. It still works off the lookup tables in the ECU so if you just remove the SAFC and start it, it will just run OEM.

diconnected the safc and still same problem, cant find a leak in the plumbing, revs up decent when parked, throttle not very responsive. and flatlines when under load at low rpm

Where are you located ? Does the engine sound smooth or a bit rough when it flat lines? It could be a fuel pressure issue, I am not sure if you have ever heard what an RB or an engine sounds like with low fuel pressure. It will flat line like that if you have garbage fuel pressure, and it won’t sound smooth, almost like if you were trying to climb a hill in 5th.

I am not an expert, but if you are nearby and if I could drive your car, I might be able to help out. Anyway, if it seems like what I described, check your fuel pressure. It would be nice if it were something as simple as a clogged fuel filter lol.

dude if u could come help that would be kool, im located in st catharines, where r u

Mississauga. I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere till the weekend at best. Just keep digging through GTRC and be prepared to check a lot of different things.