F'in Squids (evo-k & J-gsr) and their Hondeys

pics speak louder than words … by no means do i think this shoot was a good idea … :ninja i think it was a GREAT IDEA !!! enjoy some squidly moments






texting FTW!


Justin texting :facepalm

I really enjoy #3


texting pic is epic.

Wow slow bikes

loove the txting pic hahah. awesome

damn squids

very nice the f4i looks just like mine!

Some nice shots there!

Damn Brent we squids lol. O and Dan (CFD) is a squid photographer hanging out the van 5inchs off the ground taking pics with out his jacket and gloves on SHIT!!!

ps standing on seat at about 55mph was stupid next time i do it i will wear gloves :slight_smile:

yea yea yea … i do what i have to do to make you guys and your toys look cool!

seeing you hanging out the van reminded me of the military photographer in vietnam hanging out the huey choppers…all we needed was jimi hendrix playing in the back ground lol

Where abouts were these taken? Pics look great.

in Mexico

holy fucking cop batman

^ this

They were takin on a test track where laws don’t apply…we do not condone wheelies racing speed texting or hanging of the side of motorcycles on puplic roads

Looks to be right in front of your precinct? Where were you at?

he’s not a cop lol