final day for stern

Ive been listening for a little bit, good show.

already been listening…

been listening since 6am, the on demand special is gonna be good.

i’m listening to it on the radio. it won’t let me watch or listen on your link. :wtf:

they kept saying yahoo will air it. i havent found the direct link either.

stern > *

Cbs news said he’s making 100million bucks a year for a 5 year contract :eek:

With that he has to pay his employees though.

I wanted to listen but don’t have a radio/speakers at work. :frowning:

you missed a great show

Wow, it sucks that he won’t be on the radio anymore.

sirius reciever $40, monthly subscription to uneditted satelitte radio anywhere in the world, $15/month. not too shabby

cd’s, espn, foxsports, dve, bobntom free… even less shabby :angel:

stern is fuckin weak.

u’re fuckin weak :mrT:

bob-and-tom isn’t on FM anymore around here… to my knowledge… since that frigging bob-fm bought out 69.9

one month of sirius, unlimited commerical free music - cheaper than one CD a month… your get get bored of that 60 minutes of music before the first weeks over :slight_smile:

i heard martha steward was on, i had to get up and stopped watching it rigiht as she came on stage… did she say anything funny or something that i missed?

I have sirius and its totally worth it …

If i dont have the indash dvd on … sirius is on

stern sucks.

i wish bob and tom were still on around here :frowning:
BOB FM is fuckin gay.

i wish howard stern was dead,fucking faggot

bob fm is the shit, nothing like it when i got my drywall crew on a job and toni basil hey mickey comes on :ugh2:

I think you had to be smoking crack to think bob and tom was funny, that was the most boring stuff on the radio, thank good its gone, now BOB FM sucks too, its just an 80’s channel that plays a 90’s song or a classic rock song once and awhile, sorry but stern made me laugh many times, dont have the sirius yet, but maybe in the future! The DVE morning show isn’t bad, makes me laugh sometimes too, but they linger on sports too much and aside from the steelers, I could care less about the worse team in hockey (cough pens) or the worse team in baseball (cough bucs)! Thanks for the many laughs stern… :mullet: