Final Fantasy Advent Children

Thank you for getting it up so quickly!

EDIT: That sounds funny :gay2: :mamoru:

ahaha for you… id get it up in heartbeat… lol

welcome peoples…

i like how reno and rude turned to the good side in this movie…

i’ll look for a version with subtitles, but dayam this is awesome so far, thanks for hosting! karma for u

ahh is it english dubbed?! if it is im stopping the download now

no no english whatso ever… or annnoying subtitles… just plain old japanese goodness!!! lol i know some japanese actually cause my one of my friends at work is japanese so he is teaching me… so i understood some parts of it… like basic words… but nothing to gather the whole thing to tell you about it…

EDIT for those hardcore final fantasy fans…

if you watch all the way thru the credits… until the end… there is a picture sitting on the desk of the “original Final Fantasy 7 Characters” all together

Yeah, that sucks about the sub titles…every version out now that DOES have subtitles I hear is flawed in one way or another. TY very much though.

just torrent or mIRC it

I’ve got a subtitled version that works perfectly. All you have to do is download the codec for the subtitles and everything works. No hosting for me though, so if anyone wants it, give me a place to upload or something to copy it to.

where did u get ur copy from itagaki

andy do u think u could burn it onto a cd for me if i swing by your place?

or you can send it to me… and i will host both versions… cause i have an assinine amount of hosting space and unlimited bandwidth…

dang… I deffinitly want a copy with the subtitles. Good lookin out brother :tup: KArma 4 u

andy… if you want to upload that to my ftp thing let me know!!! i got mad room for those of us who don’t know you or live near you!!

i will host for ya

Never got into torrent…untill now. It always seemed too technical with seeds and swarms and shiot like that…but it is actually easier than P2P. Oh boy…I see endless hours of computer time now.


:word: ive been into torrents for awhile, they are awesome… 4L :wink: is great too

man… I’d love to use torrents but for some stupid reason I got better d/l speeds with dial up than I get with DSL. Even IF it has like 300 seeds and it’s healty I get crap speeds :frowning: (1.5-2 kbps IF that)

ok a little more patients and i will have both the regular jap file hossted and one with subtitles… so yeah sit tight peeps…

with torrents i usually just leave it on overnight and done, it can be slower it can be quicker but at least i am not stuck in some shitty line waiting to start