Final Fantasy Advent Children

if any of you are interested in a copy i will share it… its a 699.01 MB file… so if you want it let me know… if i get enough of you that want it… i will host it for download…

let me know…

any good?

dude… wow is the only word i can say… so yeah just have to see for j00 self…

Agree’d, saw it over a week ago… amazing! Quality of the CG is… well, Advent Children is to Spirits Within as Final Fantasy X is to VII, at least in terms of graphics. Story line is good, if you’re a fan of the series and played more than just VII, you’ll really enjoy it.

And no offense to you Cuban, but if anyone wants it (without the d/l time, I’ve gota copy of it myself, just supply a CD).

andy, hook me up brother! will you be home tomorrow night or something? I’ll just throw it on my gig memory key

and what do you mean if you’ve played more than VII you’ll really enjoy it? i’ve played them all, but I guess I’ll just wait to watch it to understand :wink:


I’m definitely interested!

do you got the english version? or no?
i got the jap version…

Only subtitle versions are out there, 1 hour 40 minutes and you will be glued to the screen every minute. It is a serious boner teaser for when they re-release FF7 for the PS3 and the graphics of the game are on par with the movie. It is a definite download even for those who have not played ff7.

english dubs are lames :tdown:

haha i really wanna watch this for some reason

ohhhhhh i want this!

host it :slight_smile:

Werd. Host it asap please!

here is a very fast torrent for it

if you dont want to wait :wink:

I’m still waiting for it to start, Adam you fucking liar!

host it cuban… im def interested

edit: they are re-releaseing ff7 for ps3?

There are rumors of FF7 being re-released for the PS3… but it won’t look that good, except for the cutscenes.

If I was worried about the looks of a game I wouldn’t be playing any PSX game, or SNES game. Looks don’t make the story or the fun factor.

Rofl. I am playing LUNAR silver star for SEGA CD! Talk about ghey graphics…and story for that matter.

Not to get too far off topic but what is the deal with FF7 for the pc? I want a copy so bad but Amazon only has them used starting @ 70$. I have the ps1 version but I want it for mp laptop LIKE NOW!!! is it really that hard to get a hold of?

Get that vid hosted.

ho ho ho i think i might have a copy of it somewhere

k it will be up in about 2 hours… then free for all who want it… mine is just jap version i didn’t see any subs. but then again i used windows media … so whatever…

but yeah give me a bit its 700 megabyte file…

k here it is… either right click save as or just wait for it to load… whatever…