Final Fantasy Advent Children

TorrentSpy a week or two ago. Don’t remember the actual source.

let me know when u got the subtitled version u/led cuban :smiley:

almost done… 45 minutes to an hour and we should be good to go!!

my download speeds per kbps is amazing!

i downloaded the subtitles vbersion in about 40 minutes. @ 160 KB/S

i fucked with the settings for awhiles and got it just right!

grr!! it was the same version as before apparently i need a codec… for the subtitles… anyone got one? you can just use the vid i have up already cause it was supposed to have subs as well but doesn’t

As I told Cuban in a PM, there is a codec called VobSub that plays the subtitles. Search for it online, install it, and make sure you have a subtitle file that is the EXACT same name as the video file (and in the same folder or a folder titled “subtitles”).

how the hell do u use this vobsub

edit: nevermind haha it was more simple then i thought

This is what I did.

d/l and install it then d/l a program called BSplayer.

Find the FF movie subtitle file (I found it in like 3 seconds using google) then name it exactly the same as the movie. So if the movies name was bang.avi… you’d rename the file to bang.ssa… put them in the same directory and watch using BS player :slight_smile:

Itagaki… I have a small problem using that vobsub program. I have everything working as far as the titles go, but it’s displaying 2 sets of subtitles… any idea what I need to do to get rid of a set? It’s annoying and hard to read.


oh and Cuban… thanks again for the flick. I watched part of last night and it KICKED ASS.

did anyone notice the guys ringtone in the church that cloud found aries in the VII game? lol classic

yea i finally figured out all you had to do was name the files identical haha… def thought there would be more to it

Check the settings for VobSub (there should be an icon in the system tray) Depending on the subtitle file, there could be multiple languages setup. Other than that, you might wanna try a different subtitle file :shrug:

Awesome movie! wow.

Karma 4 u :tup: I tried looking around at the settings and didnt see much. Also looked at the subtitle file and nothing really jumped out at me. Can you send me the subtitle file you have? I’ll send u a PM

thanks for the hosting by the way cuban

edit: that was the fucken most amazing movie i have ever seen… i guess mayb thats becuase i loved ff7 when i was growing up. but man that was sick

ok if anyone else wants this you better get while the getting is hott!! cause 2 am sunday morning its coming down… got more stuffs to host for j00’s

so let me know if you want it still i shall keep it up for a bit.

you the man, cuban :tup:

You have any luck with the subtitle file I sent ya Steve?

yeah man, worked awesome :tup: different format too than the other one I had. Appreciated man :cheers:

k well let me know… so i can either keep her up or delete her…

this is coming down… unless anyone else needs it… you have 1 hour…

k taken down as of … now.

so what are you putting up next? :smiley: