Finally bought a shell tonight!!!!


congrats…glad to see u finally found one


when do u want to go get it?

At least its black this time.

haha I took it for one ride today and like 3 people seen me thats funny.

well Im hoping jeff has the time to get it… but if he doesnt then Ill be calling you. Its exaclty 189 mile trip. So a good 6 hours… but we would have to stop at white castle 3 times.

White Castle onion farts FTL.

If jeff or Brian cant get it…i will be home for 10 days this week…if you get a tailor and pay gas etc i can go

I think he would be embarassed to be seen with you because of the way you dress…

Well it does stick out a little…:ugh:



I havent had White Castle in quite some time, and yes the farts the next day are quite disgusting.

ok id rather go back to talking about dans car now k

:note- you will never EVER hear me say that agian

whatever, chicks fart too, esp after quicks little dingleberry attempts to penetrate ur shit. keyword: “attempts”


hahaha aw, brad adding his poor intelligence to the mix once again

It’s black…just how u like ur men…

Yes and its still going to be your broke back silver car.