Finally made it

To Tyndall AFB, Panama City, FL
I’ll be here for the next four months, weather is perfect here and base is awesome and cant beat the money ill be making

here is a picture i snapped while driving into Panama City

congrats ,have fun & besafe

awesome… thats the one thats part of the navy base? my buddy just got out in october and was there for 3 years. he loved it… took his jeep down to the beech in february and would call me. nice area

Woot fl. ftw. Man I’m hating pittsburgh weather right now. Its suppose to start warming up when I’m going home.

Good luck down there. Sorry I missed seeing you off.

I just got back from the keys the other day. I’m already hating the PIT weather :frowning:

i hope it snows for you

Here’s what you just missed, wray…

take care of that wheel bearing! dont wanna change that again

we missed u at a great wing nite, burnyD got :owned: hardcore, i cant wait till the pics are up
