Job Opportunity???

Well, here is the run down of what I got. Im at Tyndall AFB, Panama City, Fl right now on a temporary tour until atleast the end of May and probably until early September because i’m going to take a second rotation, but they have a full time spot open here. The spot is a higher ranking spot then what I am right now so I would have room to move up for sure. Rumor has it at my unit in Pittsburgh that we are going to become very busy very soon, getting deployed for 120+ days at a time all the time. And my long term goal is to finish school get my bachelors and get my commission to become an officer. Now I don’t mind getting deployed but I would rather do it as an officer. Would be really hard to finish my degree getting deployed every year and this job down here is a non deployable job because it is the homeland defense, we run it. I love the job here, the area is pretty nice, cost of living is a little higher but not too bad, and if I take it ill be clearing just under 31k a year while taking night classes or online classes. And this job is perfect for getting experience to work for any intel agency like NSA, DIA, CIA, FBI, etc. And there are a lot of high profile people that work here that I get the chance to rub noses with and could probably go anywhere I wanted after i’m done here. I would be getting full benefits, the retirement, and all the other perks that come with the military. Guess i’m just trying to decide if at 20 years old I want to give up being a kid what so ever, move out, buy my own place, and take the responsibility of this job full time.

Any opinion/thoughts are appreciated.


Im doing the same thing right now. Ill be living in flordia at my own place very soon. I cant wait.


more oppertunities at tindel for you…i pretty much know im at some point time gonna be sent down south

if its full time in the af buddy take it…cause the hardest thing is to get your foot in the door on that full time slot…

once you are in for a year then you can always climb the ladder and take differnt positions

stay south. great weather. and whats better than being a kid at 20 in florida.

Being 21 :beer:

:boink go for it.

do it…sounds like a great opportunity