My Pittsburgh days are numbered...


well today I swore in downtown @ the federal building for the military. I leave Aug 20. I accepted a commission in the USAF and a spot as a pilot. I am pretty pumped. by far the biggest decision of my life! this time next year i should be well into phase 2 of flying trainer jets around

hopefully whitey lets me stay on as a honarary mod or something!


awesome… now you can do real ricer fly-by’s… !!!



congrats on your decision…hopefully they gave you a nice signing bonus

Congrats dude! Thats awesome.

good luck ! that sounds great

I can’t believe Mr. anti-republican, anti-military is enlisting.

Mach 3 > PewterSS

he will be signing a different tune after a yr in the military

mach 5 > all

Go speed racer go.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

especially if Kerry wins and decimates the military like Clinton did.

then i am getting out of the military

Bush is decimating it too. 1 by 1. :hsdance:

Good luck to you!

WOW!!! thats awesome

woah i NEVER in my life been anti-military :nono:

unlike 95% of repubicans, i am acutally going to server a meaningful job in the military and be proud of it, regardless how bad the politicians fuck up stuff.

Kerry would get more personal respect from me than Bush, even though Bush was a pilot in the Guard. Bush basically quit and never renewed his flight physical status voluntarily. if find that appauling after all the loops and praying i did to secure a slot as a pilot on my own. to have a Senator’s kid basically get unfair treatment, walk into a pilot spot and not care about it really turns me off. Alas I have sworn as of today though to follow any orders from the President, regardless, but i am still entitled to my own opinion on things. I do see me becoming more center of views after being in, but my civic views will always favor the ind person, rights, and freedom.

Good luck to you. I hope all goes well!