Finally pics of my house

56k no… Well, it’s actually a year old now, but I finally got around to taking some pictures. It’s still not done yet, I still have some trim in the kitchen, some wiring, and outside paint, but its coming along. Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image

Kitchen Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image

Study Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image

Bedroom (yes thats a blue neon light, it was the wife’s idea Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image

Living Room Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image

Bathroom Reduced: 66% of original size [ 768 x 1024 ] - Click to view full image

Stairwell Upstairs Reduced: 66% of original size [ 768 x 1024 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image

Guest Bedroom upstairs Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image

Poker Room Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 66% of original size [ 768 x 1024 ] - Click to view full image

Garage Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 50% of original size [ 1024 x 768 ] - Click to view full image

do i dare ask why you have a street glow poster?

Kick ass house man.

I was wondering when the rooms were going to end.Its bigger then it looks :tup:


Nice house!

nice house when are we all getting together to put that poker table to good use? let me know id be down oh that ceiling fan with the blue is siqqqq too love that


good stuff man, i still have to come check it out now that everythings all situated haha good job :tup:

Looking good dood.


do i dare ask why you have a street glow poster?


I just happen to come across it so I put it up.

Thanks for the comments guys, I still have some work to do on it.
We already did:
new furnace
new breaker box
220v 60amp circuit run to garage
new circuits in all rooms
all new windows
The only things I didn’t do myself was the furnace and breaker box/line to garage, it’s my new hobby.

i was just fucking around with ya, very nice house, looks big too.

To Whom it my concern,
PLEASE UPGRADE TO HD NOW. You have a nice TV, yet you have one of the oldest DirecTV receivers on it I have sen in a long time. When people sell these TV’s they should force you to also get HD service. Sorry for the rant. Nice house. Now call DirecTV and upgrade your service.

Thank You.

^^ I just got the TV less than a week ago. My dad got me the Direct receiver for free and I’m piggybacking on his account for $5 a month. I’m thinking of getting a new box once we pay off the tv and dvd player.