Finally, Samsung i760 Very Soon - Newds Inside

You’re such a phone nerd Matthew.


I am bringing the people what they demand… Ok, a few of them at least… :wink:

haha, phone nerds UNITE! :thankyou:

I’ll stick with my 9400, it shows your nudes just fine on the widescreen :clap:

I want your newds…

I should zap yo dumb ass for even askin :picard:

you can zap me anytime, sweetie.:gay3:

Uhhh, that’s fucking gross…


Thread derailment : COMPLETE


LOL, yes you are. :wink:

Looks like a spiffy phone though :tup:

<3 you

that phone is fucking sweet

i dont like the keyboard to much, seems like the buttons might be a little smaller

I hate samsungs

what a shitty phone

the “training course” is online now for us

awww i want.

apparently the F700 is coming to verizon too? i’ll probably hold out for this little one…if it is in fact coming out.

ooo i like that F700