Finally, the GTO is gone..........

Weird how things work. I had an old dryer laying around which I offered to JayS. We were talking and it turns out his co-worker was in the market for a GTO.

I just dropped it off at his house.



Whats next?

Nothing for now. Going to enjoy no car payment.

How about a Harley worth more than all 3 of your cars combined? :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats on the sale FINALLY butch…

I know a secret about you…

Well enjoy the bike this season to the fullest

Actually, I’m a trusting person. Gave him the car and the keys but I haven’t received any money yet. lol It is en route…

Congrats on the sale.
How many mile were on it?

Congrats Butch :tup:

If you only knew…lol

Just turned 21K on the way there. He got a killer deal on it too.

P.S. thanks for the new avatar.

Hopefully Pete gets some sleep tonight. He’s been so excited about the car that he told me he’s barely been able to sleep the last couple days.


So now we’re going to have two GTO’s in the parking lot at work. Only thing that really sucks is Pete is super anal about his cars and it means I’ll have to wash mine that much more this summer.

You told me it was leased.

I feel bad all over again :frowning:


It was a “smart buy” but we are just buying it out.

I did disclose the small mark. I fixed it with a sharpie long ago…

hopefully you got a decent buck, the market on these is in the toilet right now, wish I could pick one up

Sold it for what I owed. Made nothing. Just did someone a favor.


about time you got rid of her!


Really man, :tup: