finally this technology makes it to gasoline engines

and it is perfectly suited for them too :slight_smile:

journal bearing sucks but the benefits of the varible turbine should outweigh any lag or wear on the bearing

its vtec for your turbo :eek:

OMFG…i want

haha very well said

My friend was telling me about this a few months ago, pretty sweet, although I thought he was nuts at the time. :slight_smile:

good stuff, Cummins already has this.

pretty damn cool, something else to make turbo systems more complicated…yay!! LOL!:tup:

i thought chrysler was doing this in the late 80’s with gas motors?

yeah the VG turbos make a HUGE difference in spool time. could you imagine having most if not all of your boost avaliable by 2.5K

kewl… but not new.

hope they dont gum up and get stuck ALL the freekin time like the ones in the VW diesels~!

for gasoline it is…and for high output applications it is…

the coatings are awesome, my next set will have something similar…too bad they wont be variable.

i cant wait to see the new 911 turbo that this is going to be introduced on. i hate RR formats but i think it will be a keeper

No its not. Its old tech. Aerocharger made a variable geometry turbocharger years ago. We installed one on a Formula SAE car at UB on a 600cc Honda CBR motor with a F3 head.

dodge used them in the 90’s on shadows and lebaron


Variable vein turbo’s are not new.

Anyone care to explain what exactly this does?


i know they are not new

i am just saying it is new for…forget it, it is silly to rewrite what i have already said. no skin off my nuts, just thought some might find it interesting.

sometimes when we mention corrections they sound like we are being pricky…

I didnt really mean it that way. Anyway its cool technology and worth posting.

They did I beleive with the very few experimental turbo motors. So it’s not new technology by any means. But at the same time it was too expensive/unreliable to be useful.

no, you were right the first time. THEY are new. no one has made that turbo with that wheel design before. the idea may be old, but this is not the same turbo as the old dodge ones.

its cool, hopefully they dont have any issues with them, and more companies will use this tech. like a gt35r with this … oh ho oh h ohoh … i have to go wipe off now.