[Financial Crue] You morans jumped the gun...

[:mamoru:] http://www.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idUSN1332191520080314

The department said its Consumer Price Index, the most widely used gauge of inflation, was flat last month after rising 0.4 percent in January. Even more significantly, core consumer prices that exclude food and energy items were unchanged in February after climbing 0.3 percent a month earlier.

Core doesn’t reflect the food and energy items that make up most of the inflation we’re dealing with. Price increases on other items from higher energy costs will lag for a period or 2.


The department said its Consumer Price Index, the most widely used gauge of inflation, was flat last month after rising 0.4 percent in January. Even more significantly, core consumer prices that exclude food and energy items were unchanged in February after climbing 0.3 percent a month earlier.

Thread title was sarcastic… have you not had coffee yet?

Lagging for a period is a well deserved break none the less. The euro lost a couple points against the dollar already.

ugh, i didnt even read your post, just clicked the link. my bad. I’m pounding it now. 5 mornings in a row wears me out.

I also got distracted by this on the right side of that page.

Chuck Norris divides by zero.


ZOMG This needs its own thread.

I wish I understood this shit more :frowning: