Find a nice Audi for a hot blonde

Well my girlfriend is in the market for a pre-owned Audi. I know a few of you work at langan ,but also anyone else that sees anything lmk. She wants a cabriolet with low miles.

And GO!


Pics to the winner …… :wink:

call CSBS on the pix!!!

Price Range? Color Choices? Send me a PM and I can check local and regional availability on the A4 cabs for you.


What if you just pics pics to be nice? :smiley:

pics or i dont even look.

20-30k in that range and in sliver

Wait…does she want an audi or a volkswagen?

Cabriolet is a volkswagen.

standard/auto? interior color?

They make Cabriolet B6 A4’s


There was a gold one with a maroon top forsale on Rt.20 just past the GPD.

Clicked this thread thinking I would recieve a hot blonde in return for finding you a nice audi. Fail

and S4’s

and they made the audi 90 cabriolet as well.

S8 or pics of said gf

TT an option?

TT’s dont have real Quattro = SUCK!

some do and some dont, right?


im not gonna do the leg work for you. you can look up why a TT isnt REAL quattro when compared to an A4 or something with the REAL quattro system

pics of the gf at least a preview shot, has to be worth it


so Haldex is NOT quattro? interesting, didnt know that.
edit: ohhhh, i seee, nevermind. i found out how it works. yea, its a different setup. why did they call it quattro though?