f'ing impulse buying....


Queen sized…is niiiiiice


like 2k after taxes…bought it locally @ room…prolly spent a couple hundo more than necessary, but pumping money into buffalo > saving $200

ieatpaint is painting my house right now…joe’s going classic modern

I also impulse bought/reserved like 3 pair of designer dress boot/shoes :confused:

Somehow, I find this statement a little ironic.

:tdown: on the queen. Shoulda ponied up the money and went king. Thats baller status. for the price/size difference queens are kinda pointless.

i think its kinda lame.

why? unless the bed is in a giant room, it would take up more space, which is a commodity…

Plus given joes size, proportionally it is a king for him!


And proportionally it is a toddler twin bed for you!


meh, I love my king bed. I would never get anything less, plus it is in a giant room so it works out. But my bed combo was also over 3g’s. Kinda expensive but well worth the money.

I would love to spend $150 on a set of decent sheets. Goddamnit, why can’t I have a king?!

its a badass bed…there was 1 similar to that @ ikea a cpl years back i wanted

I think I bought the bed you’re thinking of…looks nearly identical to this one.

How the hell can a bed cost $2000??? It looks nice and all…but what makes it so spendy?

a king would look fucking stupid in my room and if I’m buying a king, I’m buying a new mattress, which means I’m buying a tempurpedic mattress (b/c if you don’t, you suck b/c those > *) and then I’m spending another 3-4K…so do I really want to spend 7-8K on a bed that’s going to look stupid in my room anyway? No.

Unless a king won’t fit in the room… :gotme:


Thats hot … were did you get the bed frame from?

werd. I also spent over 100bucs on some nice 1000tc sheets.:smiley:

Hey, you buy only the best when your talking about the place you spend over 1/3 of your life. doesnt make sense to cheap out.


Lot of cash for a bed, but hey man, your money. Enjoy it.