Finger Painting Forum: Data Recovery version I WANT MY PICTURES OFF THIS F#$KING CARD

Obviously the cards work forever…and never have issues…its the perfect piece of storage hardware…

I’ll try it when I get home. I have already tried to use Boomerang and Data Rescue II, (Found via google search :shrug:)

Hopefully that works

I said that I’ve never had an issue with the card incase you were talking about if the card was fucked up from the get go. I’m well aware hardware gets fucked up. I also take very good care of my things, so It certainly wouldn’t be from physical damage.

Are you angry yet?

More info on the data recovery programs that I’ve used. They are able to scan the drive initially, but mid way it will give me the corrupt data message. then unmount the drive. It continues to scan the rest of the drive despite being unmounted. Then when I make the attempt to recover there is nothing. This is directly after the scan and when I remount the drive, and use the scan file with it being mounted.

That was last night, I’m over the anger :slight_smile:

did you try reformatting the disc/card?

can you view them via your camera?

give wimdoze a try

  1. LOL I want the pictures off it first silly
  2. Yes I can view them
  3. I could have it done in under a minute with windoze. I’m taking this as a challenge to force myself to do it with the mac. I made a shitty decision getting the mac, I might as well adapt

haha you two are too stupid to use a mac :purextc::purextc::purextc::purextc::purextc:


i doubt that

it is clear with this thread i speak the truth :smiley:


lol, i just like making fun of them and getting all the mac humpers pissed off.

Chances are by the time you’re done running all these mac data recovery utilities on a card that has nothing wrong with it you’ll actually need data recovery.

Might I suggest stopping now, copying the pictures onto a PC, then continue with your data destruction/mac learning experiment?

lol Mac, 16% of the time, it just works

dan my offer still applies, sans the shitting

it’s your best bet

Mac: “Hello. I am a Mac.”

PC: “And I am a PC. I can read Fat32 correctly.”

Just stuff the card into a PC. If it reads correctly just take the macbook back to the store and beat Tom with it. (I think that’s the name of the skinny old walking Mac stereotype that sold us our shit. It might have been Tim. Haha I hope it was Tim… TimmahTimmahTimmahMacTimmah!)

Excellent use of inner monologue

I’m gonna go to the mac store and find out his name…

edit: OOO its on the receipt!

Why is my backside so recognizable to you? lol

n/m I know the answer :hay:

if several different utilities have told you that the data on the card is corrupt, then at what point will you understand that it is not the computer’s fault?