Finger Painting Forum: Data Recovery version I WANT MY PICTURES OFF THIS F#$KING CARD

I am using a macbook. Shoot me I fucking hate this thing

I put the sd card into reader. I plug it into the usb port and it shows up. Aperture opens up and it goes to import all the files automatically.

This gives me device removal error something is corrupt blah blah blah… Unmounts the drive…

I stop aperture from auto loading the pictures and open up the drive normally Still same thing. and drive unmounted

I try to delete the file and it gives me the error… and unmounts the drive.

I use data recovery program … get error and unmounts drive.

I got some pictures off the fucking thing and I can see some in preview… but I’m unable to get to them in time.

Any suggestions?

PS… FUCK YOU MACINTOSH and your smug omg we’re better than PC crap. This is fucking bullshit eat my dick and die in a vast of oil based paint you hippy fucking green peace faggot ass sucking douche nozzle. I’m going to buy about 9000 cans of some ozone killing aerosol if I cant get these fucking pictures off this card.


Use CS3

Ok? CS3 is open… Does it magically fucking take all my pictures and anally blast me with them… or is it a time thing i stare at the screen for 10 hours and it just works?

edit: not taking it out on you sweety. I’m just fucking livid

Got one pic off the camera :frowning: This sucks

havent seen him in like 4 years, but that is def paulo ^^^

maybe? and ya… mac’s fucking blow

what file system is on the card? have you tried to throw the card in a windows pc for shits and giggles?

I was trying to not have to get windows involved since that required me to run home to get my other laptop.

Its fat32 and it looks like its the option I’m gonna have to take.



Seriously, its been nothing but frustration with this mac. If I knew what I knew now… I would have bought a PC instead

lol i hear ya, but didnt u know macs are the allmighty right now?, 1/2 of NYSPEED says so.


You took the red pill. You were supposed to take the blue pill.


Did you ever consider the SD card was fucked up?

Did you try repairing the card?

Enlighten me then O master of the macintosh

Oddly enough its the simplest computer to use and you seem to have nothing but issues…

Idk if this will even work but did you try using Apples Disk utility to repair the card?

Try the SD card reader in another USB port?


That still doesn’t justify why 1) I’m an idiot and 2) How to get my pictures off my card using the Mac.

Thanks for telling its a simple computer BTW. I’m well aware its a simple computer and its fucking slow. Office 08 crashes, Finder crashes, and its slow (redundant yes I know, but when its acting slower than the old shitty laptop, there is something going wrong here)

With the PC when I want something to happen. It does. With this Mac It has a mind of its own, and for no apparent reason either.

How retarded do you think I am… Of course I tried both of these.

edit: sorry for the defensive latter comment, I ask these questions all the time to verify that it was done at work, I shouldn’t have been so snippy about it

Did you try my suggestion?

Did you ever consider the card its self is fucked up?

I had Office 08 and my Macbook pro was loaded up with everything and I never had an issue…

the card has worked several times before never with an error