Firecrackers vs. fetuses. An Independance Day fairytale.


If i went to a 4th of July party
in the daytime
in Vegas
and some dude pinched my dates ass
and another dropped to his knees and buried his face in her crotch as a hello
and another stud flashed his cock to her
and t-Pain himself offered to “eat her pussy Italian style”
and some random dude lifted her on his shoulders
and some dude asked her to shaker her ass, again, like before

then I would say… Well, I did bring her to the Wet Republic, so I knew the deal

But if I was Brett and someone threw a lit firecracker at my girl,
you better mother fuckin believe
that without question
without notice
without forthought…

If I was Brett, I woulda looked that woman dead in the eye and said, Whos Baby is That???

Cause we all know Brett be chillin with PSi, Wheelz, JDaniels and company when no ones lookin!

There, thread all comes together now…

:slight_smile: much love

I know this is actually on topic…but seriously who the fuck in their right mind brings a 9 month pregnant girl to a party full of drunk Shift members? You have to be a brain dead moron to do that.

Yea the situation sucks either way and Brett has a right to be mad but why must everyone always bring there problems to the internet, what happened to just catching an ass whoopin right there on the spot (which should have happened and ended the situation there) instead of coming on Shift with E-muscles…this forum is seriously full of little bitches LOL.


i’m a little bitch too!!!

:cry :cry :cry

I like little bitches. Like a-cups, and pig tails. Makes me feel like that creepy uncle.

One day you WILL be that creepy uncle. At that point you can just borrow Chris’ van and troll the local Jeepers parking lot.

Anything more than a handful is a waste

That’s bullSHIT!