Firecrackers vs. fetuses. An Independance Day fairytale.

I lol’d

I would be heated just liek Brett if someone hit my girl, even more so if she was pregnant, doesn’t matter if she got seriously injured or just the shit scared out of her, its not cool. None the less fucking around on someone elses property who was nice enough to invite you.

Even if it was an accident whoever did it should at least say they are sorry doesn’t matter if people get pissed at your or not, down the road chances are they will respect you for at least being able to man up.

On that note, if they dident speak up then, their not going to speak up now and you will have to find out who from somebody else if you ever find out at all, no point it keeping yourselves all riled up…

Carry on.

Shady is going to get a firecracker directly up his ass next time I see him.

edit not really, dont ban me. :slight_smile:

Did this girl not know of the fireworks that were going to be shot off?

You don’t “shoot off” firecrackers clownshoe. LOL


Firworks/mortars= shoot off

What did I do? :cry:

im sorry but i would be just as upset/angry as mk4 i think he has every right to act and respond the ways he has! its fucked up someone wouldnt own up to it. accidents happen sometimes. but why were they being thrown at ppl in the first place? kinda reckless no?!

Brett really should of brought this up at waynes though, no reason for this on the internet.

I don’t think he would of but silveradoman posted up a lame Ball busting post after he knew what happened with the fireworks

Putting (male) friends in danger with fireworks-you’ll have that.

Putting (male) friends significant others in danger with fireworks-totally unacceptable. Brett has a right to be pissed!

Posting your genitals on the internet - you’ll have that

Unknowingly posting the genitals of some random broad you’re porking - unacceptable

it was clearly not brought up at waynes hence fb messaging and calling people out for shit they had nothing to do with, except being hated on and being a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong…someone gonna slip on a pair of ski doo yellow truck nuts and ill get blamed

Hmm…every time I’ve posted the genitals of ‘some random broad’ I was porking, I was fully aware of what I was doing:dunno

i agree he should of brought this up at waynes and it looks as if it was. but he didnt bring it up online either… just responded to a thread made

Well silveradoman should buy a supra or evo so he and brett can be boiz

Firecrackers vs. Fetuses? Lol, brofist to whoever named this shit jumpoff thread.

I’m not reading through this whole fucking thread, but I will tell you that one of the ONLY sober people at the party WATCHED who actually hit her with the firecracker. If I were standing there/ knew about it sooner I would have freaked out and kicked both assholes out of our house. I am super disappointed with the whole situation and am embarrassed that it happened at our house… If I were Brett I would have KILLED both individuals involved. You know who you are and you are not welcome at this house again. I swear to God that if either Silveradoman or JimP step foot on this property I WILL call the cops GUARANTEED.

Lighting fireworks anywhere near individuals is DUMB, but the fact that you did it around a nine month pregnant person makes me RAGE. I sincerely apologize to Brett and his wifey and hope that they come back to our house again- hopefully you do not hold it against us we certainly do not condone any of this behavior at our house.

Throwing fireworks at friends and waynes viper; ok. Throwing them near the area of a pregnant girl about to explode; Not ok. id be just as pissed if i was brett and would be doing the same thing.

I would have rather seen the Viper get hit then her. People are fucking disrespectful.