Firecrackers vs. fetuses. An Independance Day fairytale.

Thanks for the invite WAYNE

Didn’t bro about it bro. Ended up schooling peeps with tomahawks on black ops instead.

Ive got a bottle rocket saved for you!!!

hugs not e-thugs

glad I wasnt there bacause my usually overpriced sweat shop abercrombie clothes are highly flamable. Good looking out for a Bro Wayne

Adumb caught me with a mortar to the side and I didnt ethug his ass

damn…that hadda leave a mark…why didn’t you blame my shady ass for it??? prolly coulda convinced all of shift and have a brodown at highbridge???

:frowning: no mopar buddie invite :frowning:

Whose GF got hit?

bretts 9 month pregnant g/f

sticks and stones FTMFW.

I feel his rage is entitled then. carry on

personally I would just kill everyone at the party. women & children included

and I would puncha-size waynes face for being a d-bag

yeah thats right you D-bag I’m coming at you like a spider monkey


Fuck sorry Brett it was me. I threw it all the way from lake placid, it had a long ass wick.


But in all seriousness, I am glad she wasnt too hurt. Tis merely a flesh wound. You protect her as you see fit, cant hold that against anyone. The labor day party a few years back at the lake i accidentally nailed Steff with a bottle rocket, left a mark on her back and burned her shirt! lol She threw a beer at me I think… so it was all better. LOL

/\ Cool story bro

But really, I am pissed I missed this shindig.

love you all

with all my heart

and I would never intentionally blow up girlfriends

or key vipers

or poop in the pockets of the jackets hanging in the closet

so again, I love you

bye bye


Over and out

hold up somebody keyed the viper?!

yea you didn’t know?!?!??!

well now I know you’re fucking with me.


no it was a t$ joke, about getting to rilled up and rowdy.

You should of all gone to the Plaza for the fireworks that i’m sure you all helped contribute to by buying your groceries at Price Chopper. Neil put on an excellent show.