Firecrackers vs. fetuses. An Independance Day fairytale.

Why can’t anyone just drink and sit still

if all else fails blame it on a black guy

mysteryyyyy mannnnnnnnnn

fuck that blame it allll on silveradoman . brett hates him already anyways

pretty much… i know i didn’t throw it and several others have said the same thing…im guilty b/c i brought to the fireworks to a party where i should have been the only one letting them off…b/c i handed them out like candy i have to take responsiblity for them being there in the first place…so i guess that makes me just as guilty as the “mystery man” that actually intentionally tried to hurt someone…

I’m not putting all blame on Silveradoman, and I really don’t care if Brett is in love with him or not, you don’t disrespect someone and their wife like that. The person who told me that JimP did it was stone sober, and wasn’t the only one who said something to me. I don’t want our names to be associated with that. People don’t understand that the owner of the home is going to be associated with what goes on there. I guess from now on we need to watch everyone and both stay sober so shit like this doesn’t happen. Or just not have shindigs.

oh i know , if brett sued u guys would have to eat it . fucked up i know . im glad brett is level headed and resorts to violence instead

How many people that were there actually own their own home, or live in a home where they’ll get their ASS KICKED if they begin to disrespect it?


well ya see steve, i did man. and there it was all denial.

that wouldnt happen. if it were an m80 or larger and capable of some serious damage, believe me, every person i saw there would be called in by the local authorities, but im not suing my friends over some spineless individual who cannot own up to their childish actions.

Not cool.

WTF is going on in this place… kinda mad/happy i missed it

Yeah but I guess I would of took it a step further.

Anyway, it wasn’t me, I was too busy helping my gf stick a roman candle up my ass.

was that the one she asked me for?

person responsible def wont own up for fear of being killed by brett, not that they don’t deserve it.

the people that were involved will be dealt with accordingly…

didnt want to disrespect wayne and tracey by causing an uproar.

and roman candle, lit or not lit? sounds kinky.

I would.

+1. fucking rude and uncalled for. anybody threw a firecracker at my girl, id be offfff whooping some ass.