
Hey who here has some firewood and can deliver. Let me know how much for a truck load. Bridgeville 15017

X2 let me know too
might need some along with coal

$130 full cord
can deliver up to 50 miles :boink

no coal jeff :booty:

delivered to delmont area? seasoned hardwood only.

Get someone to drill a gas well on your property. Firewood is for suckers.

well mikey get someone to drill here then

yeah i got a 1/4 acre in whitehall can you drill here? and shagg im def interested in some wood delivered here in whitehall

my time machine can’t carry firewood. However still can bring the wood :naughty:

With this new deal I have I can get you to sign a lease on your property. Probably will never have a well drilled, but could get you some nice up front bonus money. We’re going to be paying out somewhere around $10-15K per acre I think. You won’t get enough to retire on but free money is free money.

Why pay for firewood when you can cut a tree down?


The garage I work out of has a big sign that says “Mon Valley Wood Pellets.” I don’t know if any of you could use those, but I could find out what they want for them if you can use those.


i’m looking for wood for an open fireplace

I just got all of mine it for the winter, Its getting harder and harder to do every year.