First Annual "ShiftRun" 2010

Thank god now go get more to do it.

Is there anyone who will not be participating that wouldn’t mind creating a route that will be unknown to all participants?

Pete will be riding with me idk if we are taking the sti or the evo.

I’ll do that if you would like me to.
Just let me know how long the route needs to take (completed legally) and I’ll make a good route.

Awesome! Lets make it between 4-5 hours legally starting at Thatcher and ending at Thatcher.

Let me know what you come up with and thanks!

Over night drive we need it to be longer lol

Ride by night ohhhhh yeaaa

I should also ask, what area of Thatcher Park are you guys planning to meet?

sign me up

8 total so far. Who else is going to do this?

Still finalizing the route…will have one by tomorrow. Not sure where I want to send you all for the last checkpoint since I’m trying to make it potentially scenic…

This event will not be taking place to do lack of interest. Lock er up.

Typical shift event

Saw that coming, I was lol’ing over the “Annual” part in the title. Like thats going to happen ha

Damn! I was just tweaking the cutty for this event.

Lock’er up, Capital Region cars don’t leave the Capital Region AND YES I SAID IT AGAIN, AND NO I DON’T CARE


I said this before I’ll say it again.

If you’re planning to do the event, plan to do it even if nobody else shows up, then just go home alone, otherwise you will only set a precedent that will discourage people from participating in the future events.

You especially can’t have an all out bash the first time around. If 3 people show up the first time and it was good enough for them to like, they will show up the next time as well and 3 others will give it a try… and so on.