First day of high school

It’s my step daughter’s first day of high school today. Having 9th graders associating with 12th graders is freakin’ me the hell out. Luckily she’s a good kid and is involved with sports, but still, I know how you guys are. :nono:

:rofl: She will probably be ignored by the people that much older than her… of course, in Penn Hills we weren’t in “high school” until 10th grade. The 9th grade was still in the middle school.

Don’t worry. :slight_smile:

fresh meat!!!

hahah… she will be fine

good luck

Jenn is right, I highly doubt anyone is going to really care about her that is in 11th or 12th grade. It’s more those pesky 10th graders you’ve got to worry about.

Just get her a full body corset with padlocks and you’ll be good to go

Odoyle rules

Chlorophyll?? More like boraphyll!

i dont know, my sister just started 9th grade and theres been 19 year olds chasing her around for about a year… goddamn idiots

That’s because they know her older brother has a really cool car and they want to…

Wait, nevermind.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

hopefully all that parenting will pay off and she will make some good decisions…if not, you can always use a 9 iron :x:

ekk…I hated the first day of school!!
