First day trying stand ups (Lots of pics)

Not bad for a beginner. Too bad im too much of a pussy to ever get a bike.


I’m sure they repaved that section of closed road just to make sure you had a nice smooth surface to roll on.

Evidence of me ever doing a wheelie on a highway? :gtfo:

jesus christ, who the fuck cares.

He was doing a wheelie, on a back country road, not putting anyone else in harms way. I know everyone just likes to bitch Tyler out, but holy fuck. They’re are MUCH worse things that could have been happening in those pics. This is far from the first time he’s been on a bike, and a lot of riders (even on this site) probably do worse than that on a daily basis.


Good job :beer2:

Shut. Up.

pretty much my thoughts.

he could’ve posted pictures of unicorns jumping over rainbows instead…:shrug:

(could be worse, people)

I like you man, and I know you are just “standing up” for another rider, but just because there are other people that probably do worse, that doesn’t excuse the fact that what he was doing (looking at the camera) was likely idiotic.


sureshot! needs a hug. imo.:grouphug:

To be fair, it surely is not the best way to go about it. However, I find it hardly worthy of an argument because, again, he wasn’t putting anyone else in danger whatsoever. And if he did 4, 5 or 4543 wheelies on the same road right before that, chances are, he’s gonna be ok.

EDIT - and I’m not standing up for another rider per say. Most Sportbike riders are fucking douchebags.

ugh X2 again.

+1 for wearing gear.

just messin with yall

shut the fuck up


I’m such a squid…

practicing for bike night on chippewa?

Not only do you have one cop who has a hard on for you, apparently you have quite a following on nyspeed as well. You did some little wheelies on a back road with no traffic. You crazy ignorant piece of shit. Now that I’m done chastising you I’m going to go run my modded civic that was never designed to break 105 up to 150 on the busy busy 400 and brag about it in kills. :roll2:

Besides, the more I see people taking risks on bikes the more I think about how the list of people waiting for organs is long and they need to get them somewhere.