First day trying stand ups (Lots of pics)

i was a little disappointed when this thread was not about jetskis

And while I may appear to be looking at the camera, I was fully aware of everything that was infront of me. The picture makes it look that I was looking far more to the left than I actually was, but i’m not going to sit here and defend my self.

As for people saying this is dangerous, it’s way more safe than lets say, a parking lot, where there are hundreds of cars. This road has fields on both sides and NO traffic.
I was more so looking for constructive criticism on how to get it up higher/longer (no viagra jokes plzz)

lol tyler post some of me being a fag too, so i can laugh

so funny how people feel the need to tell you what your doing wrong hah. gotta love the it3rw3b

You never invite me to try yours :frowning:

Besides, the more I see people taking risks on bikes the more I think about how the list of people waiting for organs is long and they need to get them somewhere.

^ if I were to fuck up (knock on wood) i’d end up with some rash and maybe a few broken bones, whoopdy fucking doo. (i can’t tell if that’s your sarcasm)

i just got her registered. LMK when you wanna rage!

Nah, practicing for that would be me sitting in my garage bouncing off the rev limiter. DUH.




i say this all the time :tup:

and not bad tyler! be safe.

the difference is that when I say it I get a custom title :smiley:

Few pointers homie…

Your rear left leg goes on the passenger peg. Right leg covers the brake. And keep it in your head to cover that shit and use it if need be! The passenger peg position on a 600rr is shitty, unlike an f4i :slight_smile:

But there is a cure. A guy makes a subcage. I think its 175 shipped and he ships them pronto. PM me if interested in his info. Not only do they add mad strength to the rear pegs but for 600rr they re-locate the peg poisition so its more comfortable. And he rotates the stock peg on its axis so your on the grippy part of the peg and that they wont fold up when you dont want them to. Work on 1st gear standups til you ge tto balance point. Basically where you stop gaining speed and the wheelie stays a constant speed. You dont want to be chasing the wheelie. Just practice and take it a little at a time. Put on a cage too. They make some badass cages that will save your bike is you drop it. Sliders are worthless.

Also dont do both legs on rear pegs. No brake to cover unless you get a handbrake. but either way its a gay way to wheelie.

Its the subcage on this 600rr for 03,04,05,06

This is for 07 600rr

find an empty parking lot :wink:

tyler, youre a champ for taking the abuse you get on here and still coming back for more.

not bad dude, but definitely keep your eyes on the road.

Usually, I think sedlmeier’s threads are generally retarded and annoying.

This one however is pretty sweet. :clap:

Nice work man, keep practicing. :tup:

awesome pics. :tup: for location.

if you don’t mind, PM me the location.

fast mofo, thanks for all the advice, I by no means am an expert at wheelies (as you can see) but i’d really like to be able to find my balancing point and ride them for miles :slight_smile:

woody: I could care less what the “haters” say, it’s the internet, people are always going to have shit to say that has nothing to do with anything.

You may find it easier to balance with your left leg on the peg. Right on the brake.

edit: Fail. This has already been stated.

edit 2: Sed, I just got another ticket lol. Thats 3 pending in 3 diff cities. Beat that! lol

Thats EXACTLY what I was expecting. Then I was like dammit

I always practice wheelies and stoppies on my road, Its not a busy road and noone complains. Just be careful thats all. I dont know what th diff is between an empty lot and a country road? wanna talk about dangerous? “LOOP” anyone??? Noone bitched about that…

Seriously? I can beat that right now.
I have 8 pending tickets in 3 towns.
I’m not proud of it though, it kinda sucks

wonder why the local cops hate you…