First day trying stand ups (Lots of pics)

lol tyler sprinville court is going to be so funny. i almost want to come with just so i can see this unfold. hah you me and t-rock should cruise out to it

I wonder why you recieve a :picard: when you post photos of yourself doing illegal activities?:shrug:

amen. i hate doing stand ups on 600rr’s… unless they are geared -1,+2 it sucks trying to even get them to come up in even 3rd (which is nice cuz there isnt a huge need for as tight of throttle control)

also cover your rear brake until it becomes second nature to press it when you get scared. as for the pics… nice pics, but your about 2-3 feet short of balance point (if i was a betting man, i bet you felt like you were going over the back many times :lol:)

also… dont put your face all the way over the windscreen on the bounce/clutch up. thats bad form.

as for this, i kinda agree… you get harassed by the cops because you seem to do things that arent legal. Im not saying im innocent, but i tend to get out of them and i tend to not post them. It seems to me that you enjoy the ridicule :lol:

100% agree. I lost count of how many dumb fucks I’ve seen already this year doing wheelies in traffic or next to me on main roads, most of them without jackets. Then the crash and get severely hurt and want a pity party…:violin:

It is people who do this shit on traveled roads that make the general public have a negative thought towards all people on sport bikes.

i never wanted to wheelie my bike… just be very careful and although really there is no safe place to do that, you did the right thing on non busy

MAYBE IT IS THE FACT THAT HE COMES ON HERE AND CRIES ABOUT COPS NOT LIKING HIM,BUT STILL TRYS EVERY ASS BAG COCK SUCKING THING POSSIBLE THAT CAN GET HIM IN TROUBLE.In case you dont know tyler.Wheelies are consider reck-less driving which is you can be arrested for.Along with the charge of unsafe start.Really you just ask for the shit to come down on you.You are just to ignorant to realize it is not the police that are the problem.It is you that is the problem

i can respect you did it on a closed road, i was on the highway last week and some guys in front of my car did wheelies in regular traffic, FAST too

you do take alot of abuse on this site, and honestly, it doesnt even matter what people say, you know that if you screw up or get hurt its your ass, so thats good, just dont let it get to your head and do it where other people are!

pretty sweet pictures either way though :headbang:

how about all the videos posted from mighty/taffy/bubble tea/etc…

seriously you guys just like to bitch at everyone else.

sureshot, do you own a bike? have you ever ridden one? do you even have a sack?

seriously shut the fuck up, you sound like such a pussy and ignorant fuck. i think your just jealous that this kid has more nuts than you ever will and that fact alone makes you very upset. grow the fuck up and find better things to do with yourself rather than shit on every thread you think sucks. nobody cares about your shitty attitude and how you think riding bikes is gay. /rant.

back on topic, looks like fun man. first time i tried a wheelie after i got mine running, i went down. haha had my jacket and helmet on, but i wasnt going very fast though, so my bike had virtually no damage.

I don’t do that kind of stuff, and personally prefer that the already tiny percentage of rubber that hits the road actually stays there to do its job… i’m pretty green though, and know my limits.
but i only knock on the fools that try to wheelie though intersections trying to show off and eat pavement in the middle.
Obviously a LOT of people ride like you are in the photos, otherwise you wouldn’t be on here asking for advice and tips AND getting good feedback…
You obviously know the risks involved, and have taken some precautions. Ride how you want, just don’t do it where you could hurt someone else, amiright?

Anyone remember the dude from club W that crashed doing wheelies at bike night? lol

Are you really that retarded? :uhh:

Please find posts where I ever:

a) complain about cops
b) have mentioned (much less bragged) about getting several tickets
c) post pictures, or discuss doing illegal activities in a car or on my bike

guess what, you won’t find them.

guess why, I don’t do stupid shit.

or how about d) find a post where I openly criticize people for choosing to do stunts?

and quite frankly it takes a hell of a lot bigger set of balls to go from the top of 5th on the back straight of Road Atlanta down to a set of 90 degree right handers in 10a and b. Don’t talk to me about having balls you little bitch. :nono:

Anyone else know what means?

For the record, this is the only worthwhile post in this thread.

Racing. Like for real. On a track. :jawdrop:

is that him?


no just brining up how people are jumping all over this kids shit for doing wheelies on a road that effected no one. he could have been at a bar trying wheelies in a crowded street and crash into people there.

ok gotcha.

good point boxxa.

Do you own a bike? Probly not. Do you Know anything about riding? Probly not! Are you board at work and just have a general dislike for this kid? Most likley! So stop talking

BY the way enlighten us what the F does that mean.