First jetski barrel roll attemps...

Never tried these before. Tried a few yesterday. Obviously i need more air and speed, but i also need more power. Best attempt was about halfway, they get progressively better…

Music: onXalert - 9:25 wake up call

this is what it should look like (2 in a row)

that guy is pretty sick. for a first attempt it looked alright. i didnt realize that lake erie got that big of rollers coming into shore. when are u getting those new parts on the ski?

I wanna try

standups suck

I’ve never been on a jet ski

i kno some1 with jetskis and we usually ride them on Lake Ontario. im not so much into doin tricks and everything, but more so into doing top-speed runs.

newman, you suck

i was checking for gunfire… everytime it looks like you were shot.


yeah, start hitting the gym

worst “music” ive ever heard

barrel rolls are cool starter tricks, but I want to see something good, have you tried a clinton yet?

lol. that’s me singing.

yea i pulled a clinton on my lumina the other day

can anyone do a backflip?

yes. on flat water nonetheless

you should learn to do that… that would baller.

that guy has TONS of power and trim adjustment. I’ll get there eventually, i hope…

sick, keep it up… post vids of the progress…

thats singing? ugh… :smash2:

nice try, but i gotta say it, you suck. but the last 2 times ive tried to ride a standup, i couldnt even stand up on it. atleast your trying, lol.