First timer! Check my C4

<-------------Also a troll on here.

However, with the amount of bans up in this place…it would take mere seconds to what he is saying ^.

It would organize the chaos and set an example/guidelines for new members and old alike.

Resisting change is futile.

/troll rant o’ the day.

The people being banned know what they are doing is wrong and against the rules.

I gave Lksi a warning the first time he did it.

He did it again and I banned him for 3 days.

Still didn’t learn, did it again and got a 7 day.

Rules are stated on the front page agreement when you sign up.

No threats, personal attacks and derogatory language allowed.

GTFO, go back to roflwagens.

Best thing about this forum…I can tell you on the interwebs that I want to smash you’re face…and not get banned.

I wanna give you a hug…where you at??

I’m in latham. i’d love a hug.

and i’d love to see you try that.

legit, go back to rofl wagens and stop spamming this site

:lol i can always count on shift for some grown man drama

You almost joining Brett in perma ban on multiple occasions and just being on the fence now have no right to be telling others to go on another site.

Who the hell do you you think you are?

He just does what his mom says.

He can’t be blamed for this one, ban hammer his mom.

U mad bro?

Not spamming, there is some relevant information on this site. Some good people and a wealth of knowledge that I don’t see on ROFLWAGENS that often. You, however, have NOTHING interesting to add to this site other than garbage back and forth banter.

Merry Christmas bro dude.

This site can be great as there is some brain and or tech each guys on here . I love it here

yea 100% garbage, look around i offer plenty of great information, i’m noit a fucking retard, who are you anyways, trolling my shit here and roflwagens, must not have anything better to do, like legit hop off


i needed respondents for a survey for a class and i get this response from this


Good stuff!

Pete for what its worth , and I’m not takin sides . For all the ball busting u do ya can’t get to mad when it comes back around lol .

oh no i’m not mad, just replying to him in a similar fashion

Nice corvette! Does it have dual exhaust?

Too bad you have no control over who stays or goes.

And if push comes to shove, out of you two, he stays.

Something to ponder on. :ponder


The fact that a troll type personality > Peter south…

You is doing it wrong bro.

Although I definately troll here…I take it all in. My posts are not spam by any means and I contribute literate thoughts and comments. I post when it seems necessary…that is all.

That being said, I will do some sort of introduction thread in the near future, just for you dude bro.

Shift alllll the things.

I’ve known Peter for about 5 years now I think. Pretty sure he was only about half-way through high school when I met him. Nicest, funniest guy in person. Hands down, the worst at communicating via Internet of anyone I have ever met.

I have known Nick for a little over a year now. I wouldn’t take anything he says on any forum seriously either.

Seems what we have here is a serious case of internetitis.


BTW- This is the most ridiculous forum I ever come to. It never fails to disappoint.

Peter sounds like a match made in heaven for me.

Now I really DO want to give him a hug.

Love you bro…let’s not make enemies…let’s make LOVE.

haha i mean i guess

thanks lol, i just gave your buddy Nick the same feedback he gave me on my survey thread on rofl lol, that is all.

and thanks for the positive feedback, only a few ppl on rofl that i know/like and you and a few others are good people, rest i have no idea who are and i don’t make it out anymore, and i have one semester left (hopefully LOL)