first try at HDR, what ya think? UPDATED 11-11

i think it was in reference to bluballs’ rendering of chinos car?


i think it was in reference to bluballs’ rendering of chinos car?


I guess it just came off a little prick-like. Maybe its jsut me.


Here’s a soap bottle, lol.


nice :tup:


I guess it just came off a little pirck-like. Maybe its jsut me.


it did, and as explained before it is the original photos… the raw files that we were left to work with just did not lend themselves well to an HDR photo.

So many professionals on here :roll2:

I’m not going to bother posting the originals of the photo because I know the problems with them. They are nice pictures just not right for this. :slight_smile:

dmofitttt why don’t you show us your amazing work, I’d love to learn. :tup:


it did, and as explained before it is the original photos… the raw files that we were left to work with just did not lend themselves well to an HDR photo.

So many professionals on here :roll2:

I’m not going to bother posting the originals of the photo because I know the problems with them. They are nice pictures just not right for this. :slight_smile:

dmofitttt why don’t you show us your amazing work, I’d love to learn. :tup:


got any that will work? I’d like to try one out, but don’t have a camera besides my phone

ugh since everyone wants a piece of this garage picture so badly… here is the 3 originals, everyone can man up now and show how f’ing awsome they are.

Also here is 3 more that will work better, they’re lower quality b/c it was taken with my own point and shoot cam, not sureshots! dslr.


here’s an old point-and-shoot, no-tripod hack job from last year.

4 original shots:

combined to make this:

Yeah I know the dude in the background is messed up, and the edge of the fender :stuck_out_tongue:

Chino, you gotta keep the same Aperature, otherwise things get blury. I just got back from lunch and did a quick one.

Yea… unfortunately on my point and shoot I have no other way to get darker exposures without changing aperture… can’t do manual exposure times less than 1 second (night shot mode)


edit: alex did you use photomatix or cs3 for that one? I like how the sky came out, that was really the only reason I took that one was to mess with the sunrise

I messed around with the garage pics a little, the problem is that the exposures are too different. If there were something between 1&2 and 2&3 it would be easier to do.


I messed around with the garage pics a little, the problem is that the exposures are too different. If there were something between 1&2 and 2&3 it would be easier to do.


jeez so needy!

fine… didn’t feel like uploading all the pictures, here are the rest.

LOL, didn’t mean to sound so demanding, I thought that was all you had :stuck_out_tongue:

check back after lunch, I’ll have something :slight_smile:

OK so I’ve done a few, they are really quick jobs so the images themselves arent that great, my problom is that they dont look very HDR like, I like em they just arent quite what I was expecting, can anyone tell what I might be doing differntly, or wrong for that matter, BTW they are made with 6 different images with only a sight differance in shutter speed between them, would that be the resaon ? anyway here they are. and the last 2 the lighting sucked.

Much like “angle” pictures, just because you can, hardly means you should. Most of these make my eyes want to die.


Much like “angle” pictures, just because you can, hardly means you should. Most of these make my eyes want to die.


Nothing is worse than angled shots ove every part of a car but not one single shot of the car from more than 2 steps away. Its one of my biggest pet peeves when our resident jimmy olsens go to the car show and can’t take a pic without having to art fag it up.


LOL, didn’t mean to sound so demanding, I thought that was all you had :stuck_out_tongue:

check back after lunch, I’ll have something :slight_smile:


ok i got done eating a long time ago… WHERES MY PICS.


just kidding, was acting demanding :slight_smile:


OK so I’ve done a few, they are really quick jobs so the images themselves arent that great, my problom is that they dont look very HDR like, I like em they just arent quite what I was expecting, can anyone tell what I might be doing differntly, or wrong for that matter, BTW they are made with 6 different images with only a sight differance in shutter speed between them, would that be the resaon ? anyway here they are. and the last 2 the lighting sucked.


If you’re using CS3, when it shows the 6 picturs on the left and on the right, you see 32 bit output, change that to 8 bit. Once it merges and does it’s thing, it will ask you to select exposure or other options from a drop-down menu. Select “Local Adaptation” and play around with the curve. You are pretty much just tone mapping it and thats what makes it look cartoonish.

alright alright :hang:

Not going for the “HDR look” but trying to make one decently exposed photo, here’s what I came up with. All done manually using layer masks

not bad, i like the orig posted one the most though still… but you were able to get less over-exposure on the front


alright alright :hang:

Not going for the “HDR look” but trying to make one decently exposed photo, here’s what I came up with. All done manually using layer masks



:slight_smile: just kidding! looks good with what he gave you.