warning short novel ahead.
my odometer stopped rolling 2 weeks after i got my car. It was speratic (sp?) sometimes it would work sometimes it wouldn’t. Sometimes i could hear it tick as if the gears kept skipping.
First i took the dash apart and opened up the cluster and tried to roll the trip meter, sure enough with little force the gears would skip (white gear would skip, thus the trip wouldn’t move and neither would the rest of the ODO), “OK!, I need a new trip meter” i thought to myself.
Went out and got myself a cluster off Average Player for cheap (Thanks a million and nice meeting you), checked the gears on it at his place and they were stiff and didn’t skip, perfect.
Went home and took apart my dash again, replaced the trip meter, took her for a test drive and she was couting every metre i drove.
One day later it stopped, took my dash apart again and made sure all the gears were nice and tight, checked for skipping and it was fine, scratched my head and said fuck it, i’ll figure it out later. I watched my ODO for the next week and noticed that it would start working every once in a while but would get stuck whenever it had to roll more then 4 gears at once but it wouldn’t tick so no gears were skipping, so i figured the KM gears where fucked.
Took the dash apart again and and decided to roll bak the ODO i got off AP from 250KM to my 156KM reading, so i got a metal shaft, put a gear on it, attached it to an electric drill and began rolling it back. Well, the power drill doesn’t spin too fast and it was going to take forever, so i got the bright idea of using my all mighty 32000RPM dremel, start slow and increase that speed!. DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME!! the gears ATE themselves at 32K RPM and the metal shat warped itself (it wasn’t perfectly straight, i admit it) and flew off the dremel and hit me in the eyes area, THANK GOD FOR SAFETY GLASSES!!!, me OK and they all scrathed. The 250KM ODO was fucked at this point and seless.
Well since that scared me enough to stop, i began to think straight. OK, 4 gears equals “stop working” on my 156KM ODO, that means the ODO motor equals weak, '89 ODO i got from AP equals 250KM which equals working for a long time and that equals strong working motor, so I swapped the motor from 250KM ODO into mine.
Sure enough that worked and my ODO has been working flawlessly.
thats my long ass story, let me know if you need me to clarify anything as i tend to type what i think and it always makes sense to me.
If your ODO is not working and you would like it to, then i can give you some pointers. LOL