Quiet clicking, sounds like it's coming from inside

It’s a quiet clicking, I think it’s coming from the dash area, and it’s frequency is related to my wheels rate of spin. When I roll down the window, I can barely hear it since the wind drowns it out, and even my turn signals drown it out, as well as the deck. It’s not too bothersome of a sound, I’m just worried about what it could mean.

Blargh! I got bad news… I think I know what it is. I just discovered today that my odometer doesn’t turn. This makes me think that the prev owner has been tampering with it or something…

This is a known issue, I have heard reports of people’s odometers not turning on occasion as it starts to get cold outside. It could be that you need a new speedometer cable as well though.

Good luck.

Ooooh, okay. I was sooo worried that the car was tampered with. Was very suprised too, prev owner seemed like a very honest guy.
Is that a DIY repair btw, or? I’ve never done something like that before.

when odo doesn’t turn, it usually means that there is a bomb planted in your car. It will explode exactly 30 days after u first notice it, so your best bet is to sell your car and let another person blow up. Meanwhile, buy a civic and stop posting on this forum. (I think I speak for everyone on this forum…)

there is no speedo cable on 240sx’s

how ever there is a sensor on the tranny that sends the speed electronically to the cluster

just to clear that up

Ouch, :werd:

id like to congradulate you on your post to solarian
you said what were all thinking…

haha, i actually got pm’s from people saying good job for expressing your thoughts to solarian! man this made my day!

typical russian responce

viva le resistance!


Oh! Okay, my bad. :wink:

Allritey, to those that are being helpful, thx a lot. The ones talkin smack, here’s one for you: BLOW ME :stuck_out_tongue: The day I care about your opinion on me, is nowhere near. Pat yourself on the back all you want, I’m not affected by it.

Im sure you dont care that everyone on SON hates you, you never STFU…
your a POST WHORE you noob…get a civic like Pavel said, then you can have some fun on toronto civics forums posting all day long…


So wait… You know I don’t care and yet we’re still having this argument?
Hmmmmm… :stuck_out_tongue:
Whether I’m a post whore or not is none of your business, I’m here to ask questions that I need answered, try and answer questions that need answering as well as buy and sell shiet.
While I’m here I’ll do that, if I ever decide to leave, I will, but nothing you say or do will ever influence that decision. So the way I see it you have two choices right now, you can either STFU and crawl back under whatever rock you came from, or you can continue being a loser that gets his jollies flaming people online, I’ll ignore you either way.
Have fun :thefinger:

Your just lucky I resigned from moderator, You would have already been in band camp… I smell it coming anyways…

"Oh shit, my odometer stopped working…What a bad day guys, i think my clusters been tampered with :cry: "

Any other stupid questions?

Jeez man, lighten up!

if i see any more bullshit arguing from any of you who posted in here you will be banned.

you guys are supposed to represent well mannered respecting 240sx owners…

this thread has made a lot of you look like small children.

i agree solarian you are a post whore for sure… 308 posts since a month and a half ago??

thats some intence keyboard abuse man.

in the future answer questions you KNOW the answers to… dont guess. it clutters threads and gets downright annoying after a while.

and to any one else who feels the need to argue on the internet… stick your hand in a blender.



Tech section is for help, not guessing. Save yourself some trouble and don’t post. Actually save me the trouble because I’m going to delete it from now on.

I’ve been here longer than most of you and I only have 600 posts. This is because I don’t know everything, and when I don’t know, I don’t waste your time with stupid guesses.

Of course, most of my posts are probably flames, but at least Marc laughs at them :wink:

And Brandon it should be clear to you why you are no longer a Mod… no offence, but you wont catch any of the rest of us doing what you said and did.