Flash light Drags in Zeli 6/9

Who cares if your car is slow? Race for fun! That’s what it’s about! I’d go, but the engine’s not in my car yet, and the Camaro is long from being streetable.

ill be there possibly if im not picking up my new car that day

I’ll be there to watch. Leaving early though. Work sucks.

I guess my plans have been made for me!?! :rofl:

i need a slow car to race… be there

alright. we’ll see if i race tho…

well you were going to do it anyway lol…

Thought you already had a slow car to race.

Or did you mean race against? :smiley:


ill go but i dont know the way dan give me a ring on sunday and maybe we can meet up before hand

sunday ? ? u know this is for Saturday right

sure why not

what time does this start?

gates open at noon, racing starts at 2… im leaving now to meet up with my fellow gto guys and well be there…

if you need someone to meet and follow up… we will be departing the kings in wexford at 11:45

leaving to go to jeffs now… see you guys there…

cars busted, im out. It figures since i work a crazy rotating schedule and barely have weekends off. My weekend off my fucking car is broke.

There having it at Waynesburgh too… im def hitting that up.

I watched… looks fun, will deffinately try racign next time. I think I saw some of you guys around, burnyDs 240, quick 83z, aeroking

I was there from 2-5. I just spectated. Would of stayed longer but I was by myself…Lots of good racing tho.

that was fun… brandon your truck is slow

yeah i went it was fun i was there all day fwd kept owning burnyd off the line i loved it now if only my valve lash problem was fixed :frowning: