Flight/Luggage Question

I am flying out tomorrow to Seattle for 6 weeks…
what is the MAXimum amount of luggage that i can have for a domestic flight like that?? i tried looking online but couldn’t come up with anything…i just want to make sure im ok at the airport tomorrow.

I have 1 small and 1 medium sized suitcase for check-in
and a back pack and my record flight case for carry on

…lol i never travel this heavy.but im going to be there for a while and possibly leave some things there when i come back to buffalo…

should i have anything to worry about??
thanks! :slight_smile:

well u can check alot of bags as u are way under the limit dont worry…

i saw people check like 6 bags and carry on

i think carry on is less that 45lbs, but might vary between airlines.

On all the flights i’ve been on its’ 2 checked baggage (big luggage)

I’ve brought a small suitcase as a carry on, a bigger duffel back kinda and my purse.

alright cool…
looks like i’ll be ok…i just wasnt sure because i never pack so much normally…
the heaviest thing i have is my case of vinyl records im bringing on as my carry on…idont want those getting bashed around somewhere…

70lbs was the total when i traveled with teh service, so i’m sure its around that for civilian.

2 check bags both not totaling more than 50 pounds and if they do you ahve to pay more and then the second limit is 70lbs … and 2 check baks … one in the standard dimensions and weight they dictate for a check bag … and one laptop breifcase.

as far as I know they just charge a fee for any additional luggage over that specific airlines limit… call your airline, or check their website…it’ll be on there. have a safe trip Ak!!

2 checked, extra bags or extra weight will cost more money. You can carry on 1 carry on and 1 personal item as well.

the fee for extra weight is killer, its cheaper to fed ex the bag than to pay for the fee, i’ve traveled enough to know.

differes by carrier


2 checked
2 carry on

you can always pay the extra 40 for overweight luggage/additional luggage

What airline are you flying on?


I bleieve it is 50lbs per bag not total of two bags

i flew on southwest 2 weeks ago and their policy is 50lbs per check bag, although they limit you to 2. If you go over the weight limit, its $25 for the additional pounds.

hi ang

THANKS SO MUCH GUYS! :slight_smile:

im all packed, set to go, heading to the airport at 4:30am…

Hope you all have a great summer…i’ll still be around (online/phone), lol… be back in August!
:wave: <3

I see I’m late for this, but if you packed over the limit, jut mail yourself the rest of it.

Have a good trip!

Best of luck on your trip out there. Hope it all goes smoothly. :tup:

domestics are GH3Y!