Flozell Adams suspended?

I spoke with ESPN’s Matt Mosley today during his blog session and it might be a 1 gamer. That’s a big impact on Dallas who has nearly a must-win against San Diego.

Cool story bro

lock 1

Good news for Giant/Eagle fans. :lol

he belongs in jail. HAHA

not nearly long enough given his repeat offender status. the guy is a disgrace to football in general, not just the nfl. his blatant disregard for his opponents wellbeing shown by his repeated attempts to injure (tripping, kicking, blind side hits after play is over) should earn him AT MINIMUM a 6 game rip. he should be gone for the rest of this season and if efforts are not made on his part to clean up his act then the next offense should result in a full season long suspension til this dumb sonofabitch realizes the intent to injure shit doesnt fly.he is nothing but a classless overachieving scumbag.

…but thats just my opinion.

I know its not apples to apples, but does anyone else see the irony here?

^ yes. I’m way too lazy to do it, but can someone quote his post, edit it so it reflects what Travis is to society? And then put *Fixed. Infact, I think that should be a shift contest. Who can fabricate the best one.

I was going to do it, but then i lost the motivation to do it

edited for double post.

grow up

I will. As soon as you grow a back bone

obviously i have.

Well then why dont you explain everything in this thread? http://shift518.gom-host.com/showthread.php?t=14217

You know, since you’ve grown a back bone now

because i dont have to explain myself to anyone. especially you.

I guess its just like you being a disgrace to the human race then. :ohnoes

and like you being a waste of sperm… ur dad shoulda fucked his hand instead…

yada yada yada. Im not a complete fuck up like you so I’d have to disagree with your statement. What positive mark have you left on this world, other then the shear entertainemnt of burning your car to the ground.

yet again i dont need to explain myself to you… and by all means what positive have YOU brought to this world? a failed business? overcharging for everything to get a buck or 2? talking shit behind everyones back? (supposed friends included) not to mention being a cowboys fan…thats the lowest of them all. a true claim to fame there eh champ?

lol didnt even know that he was ever in jail, just assumed. I crack myself up