Flozell Adams suspended?

I dont have a failed business an i post shit about you right were you can read it. I dont expect you to explain yourself your actions speak plenty that explanations are not needed. Do you even have a job or have you held one lately for longer then a month

find something that happened in the past year that you can comment on. you cant. you’re bringing up old shit. 9/10ths of which is false but you twist it to fit your argument.
correct me if im wrong but you no longer have a store… that = failed to me. any schmuck can sell shit over the internet.
you POST things on the internet because 99% of the time u dont have the BALLS to say it to someones face. you’re a fucking coward. if 1/2 of ur “friends” knew the shit u talk behind their backs, im sure they would have the same opinion of you that i do.

I have and office and a garage continuing to sell plenty of products and am still a 100% legit NYS Business since my taxes say so. Whatever you say Travis like anyone believes anything that comes out of your trap if people can deal the stench of your breath.


go ask a 4th grader for new material. your shits gettin old.

a spare bedroom and ur house garage do not a “business” make.

I would also post the popcorn smiley, but I’m boycotting popcorn. $18 for popcorn and 2 drinks at the god damn CAROUSEL MALL. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Alright… let the e-fight continue.

carousel? ur in CNY? since when?

Since the beginning of this semester. I’ll have to ask the girls at caz college if they know you

lol. u goin to cazenovia? that school i think has the highest std rate of any nys university per capita. nothing to do there but drugs n fuck… and any combination of…

no, Morrisville. I think the std/ugly rates are pretty high out here in general

haha yeah, have an ex that went to morrisville… cows outnumber humans by far… and ALL the women fell outta the ugly tree.

Garage is commercial property office is located i garage. Eat shit. O BTW that side business on top of my real job brings in more money then you make, yes i know thats not hard to do but its true. You have no leg to stand on.

what is this? a pissing match on who makes more? grow the fuck up seriously. what are you 12?

Is anyone going to edit that post? Maybe since this topic is about someone that noone gives a shit about (flozell Adams and Travis crotch) it’s not
getting enough attention? Can a mod fix that please? There’s gotta be someone creative enough that’s not a lazy fuck to make the funniez.

my vote for new thread title “cliff bitches about shit too much so here’s a picture of a beaver”

Except for you, these days. :lol


  • rep that was awesome. At least people get the product they pay for from here.

Anyhow, he wasn’t suspended. I’d assume a huge fine. Terrible.

Shawn, please stop ruining this thread and gtfo.
