FLR Novice School registration opens 4/29 @ 7am

Anyone interested in attending the FLR autocross Novice School being held on 5/10 can register by sending me an email or voice mail anytime after 7am on Tuesday, April 29th.

Please include your :
contact info (email and phone#)
car description
number of events attended prior to this year, and
number of events you are planning to attend this year.

There is room for twenty-four students. It will be a full day of dedicated autox instruction in your own car with concentrated drills and full timed runs like a regular event. If you are one of the first twenty-four responders, I’ll contact you and let you know. Payment in advance $50 (by check) will be required. Any questions please ask…

George M (AS 91)
gandemo at gmail dot com

Sent you an email, when is this?


George M

The registration for the FLR Novice School is closed. Thanks to everyone that expressed interest in the school. I’m processing all entries this evening, but I should have enough to fill the school and a wait list. I’ll send out confirmations asking for payment as soon as possible. Given the popularity of this school (filled in two hours), I’ll be discussing a second school later in the year with the Solo Board.

George M