FLR Novice School

Details and registration for the FLR Novice School is now available at


School will be held on 5/23, the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.

George M

Registration for the Novice school has been less than expected, and we still
have several spots available. If anyone is interested, or knows of anyone that
is interested, you can sign-up at


You don’t have to be a Novice to attend, just interested in working on the

George M (RCS 91)


Excellent - you won’t be disappointed.

George M

I ran last summer with my Impreza, best 50-60 bucks I’ve spent, tons of seat time, and other than cooking my sh*tty clutch it was an awesome time. Looking forward to work on my rwd skills with my new miata.

For those of you on the edge of maybe going, you’ll get about 10x the seat time of an autox for less than 2x the cost. Definitely a good value for those wanting some extra experience on a cone course.

On the cost/value thing… the established autox training school is called the EVOLUTION SCHOOL. Their cost for their level1 school is $250-$275. They have better (national caliber) Instructors, but I believe that our program is better structured, and will give you more seat time.

George M

Our attendance for the Novice School is still not where we need it to be. An option being considered is to add an Intermediate Novice School option. Basically during the three hours of drills, the Intermediates would work with an advanced Instructor on a test and tune style course. The cost would be the same, $50 for members, $60 for non-members.

At this point, I’m only trying to judge the interest in a possible Intermediate School. If you would probably sign up for this option, please let me know either on this thread, or at

gandemo at gmail dot com

George M (RCS 91)

How many novices do you want to share a single car. I know three won’t work but will two be o.k.?

Two drivers in a car isn’t optimal, but will work fine for the Novice School. More than that would be more trouble than its worth.

George M

What is the date limit for signing up/payment? I’m trying to get some other guys to come and I don’t know if I’ll be able to pay til wednesday when I get paid.

I would prefer that a check be in my mailbox by end of day Thursday. I may make special arrangements for payment by check at the day of the event depending on the circumstances. I will not be handling any cash at the event.

George M

Pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marnie/sets/72157618607708907/

Marnie, is there any chance you can send me this picture by email? I can’t copy it from flicker: