I just put up info and registration proceedures for the WNY novice school (April 21st).
Check wny-scca.com
Feel free to ask questions
I just put up info and registration proceedures for the WNY novice school (April 21st).
Check wny-scca.com
Feel free to ask questions
its that time already eh? For anyone who is interested this is a great learning opportunity for alot more seat time then you will get at a regualr event.
Is this the only one scheduled? I’m going to be in Canada that weekend…
The only novice school in WNY this season. Of course, attendance is not required in order to participate in other events this season.
The only novice school in WNY this season. Of course, attendance is not required in order to participate in other events this season.
Figures. Missed it two years running, now.
Finger Lakes Region in Rochester has a Novice school too, though I’m not sure if they have a firm date yet, but I think it’s the 2nd or 3rd weekend in May. So that would be a good alternative to the WNY one if you can’t make it.
I just put up info and registration proceedures for the WNY novice school (April 21st).
Check wny-scca.com
Feel free to ask questions
I plan on going…wanna be my co-driver Jon?
If you’ve ever had an ounce of interest in auto-xing. GO. It’s an extremely noob friendly environment (every event usually is too, but this one more) and YOU WILL LEARN useful things by the end of the day and you’ll have a blast driving.
wny scca site is down. How much $$ is the school? Is it just a solo school or solo II?
This means you get countless runs with an instructor on Saturday AND participate in an actual Solo II event on Sunday.
^^^ sweet deal. :tup:
Solo2 = Solo (SCCA changed the name last year)
[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:12,topic:26610"”]
This means you get countless runs with an instructor on Saturday AND participate in an actual Solo II event on Sunday.
By far the best deal of the year.
By far the best deal of the year.
I’m in for sure.
The limit is 30 students. This is intended for people who intend to run novice class all year. There will be an intermediate school the weekend of event 2, details to come.
Damn, I wanted some seattime before the first event but I don’t want to take a spot of someone who really needs it. I’m driving on a new setup this year.
I can work truck/go for ride-alongs with new drivers if it means I can plow around that figure 8 or anything really for like 20 minutes.
<-- I might not have a car ready in time for the first event this year.
Damn, I wanted some seattime before the first event but I don’t want to take a spot of someone who really needs it. I’m driving on a new setup this year.
There is an intermediate school this year too.
I know, i’m planning on attending. I just wanted some seattime before the first event.