Flycut Pistons

Anybody know a good place locally to get pistons flycut?

file and or dremel, use one :slight_smile:

joe jiggz

I have Mark@ Apllied Flow do mine but he is a tad busy right now.

is there a number I can call this guy?

how many did you get cut and how much did it cost you?

I don’t remember off the top of my head how much it was. We have also used rebco before they don’t cost that much to have done.

Clifton Park Engine Rebuilders probably does that.

Hunts right in schenectady does it if I remember right.

Yes we do. 372-7177.

+1 for Mark Atkins. Very nice guy and very very particular about what he does. I had him build an engine for me. If your interested his contact info is

c/p engines sends em to atkins … thats where all of my special machining goes . he is anal and his work shows that

Definetly agree I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody as particular about what they do as Mark. I don’t know anybody that has the patience and skills to build up Ducati motors.

thanks for the help guys Im gonna give mark a car, I went to someone else and they gave me his name also so he must be alright

john loves anal

so what benny , u like facials

^ I had rebco cut my valve reliefs… price was relatively cheap & turn around was quick :thumbup
